Erstellt am: 9. 2. 2017 - 12:44 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Political Philosophy
Getting an online discussion with people from around the planet can be interesting. Especially when you start realising that a lot of people are using the same words with wildly different meaning or intentions.
Trying to fix the stupid on the internet is a good way to lose a lot of sleep, raises your blood pressure and generally make life shitty.
Trying to fix your own stupid on the other hand...
So in these wildly charged time of political discontent, why not get yourself some background? Yale has an online course that might be a decent foundation. Now, I realise a college that still manages to graduate people who believe the world is 6000 years old might seem a bit of a risk, but if nothing else you can get a look at the kind of information those politicians might have had as well.
The course consists of 24 lectures and includes a link to a zip file containing written materials as well.