Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: Do androids dream of electric sheep?"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

7. 2. 2017 - 13:08

Today's Webtip: Do androids dream of electric sheep?

the IP around Blade Runner has been seeing a lot of action these days.

I first started playing around with digital video editing in the early nineties. It was expensive, and slow, and not easy to get access to the equipment. But it was still better than the alternatives, and the promise it held was very obvious.

Well, that obvious future has long been surpassed and we are in a present that still manages to blow my mind. It also sort of feels like we are getting a step closer to some of thy rather dystopian fiction I was such a fan of back then.

So featuring fan made Blade Runner films just seems appropriate. In the last week or so two have come to my attention. One of them which has been completed is an 11 minute short made by the South African born writer and director Christopher Grant Harvey. Blog posts about the short focused on the $1,500 that it costs. But reading that sort of drowns out the 5 years of hard work that went in to it.

Another one is just a trailer, but the plans are to make a 25 minute version if some funds can be raised. Luka Hrgović and crew ( Dino Julius: director of photography and producer, Anton Svetić: actor and screenwriter, Ivica Pustički and Emilija Habulin: actors) hope to take it to Kickstarter to get the rest of the money needed to complete their vision.

They have also posted a sort of build blog featuring the work they did on the actual physical effects. Lots of great model and prob building: as well as a homepage for the film including lots of information, links to their various social media accounts and video diaries.