Erstellt am: 3. 2. 2017 - 10:57 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Protests
Protests are in the news again. Protests in the States, in Romania, and this evening in Vienna. Headlines are also covering various governments attempts at making protesting (or at least some forms of it) illegal.
As usual, whenever protests start popping up, a general discussion of protests, their efficacy, sense or senselessness also takes place. A discussion I'm really not in the mood for right now, and one I have been having with people since I was a teenager.
But talking about the nature of that discussion does interest me. And I was pretty surprised that Cracked (once again) has posted an article looking at just that. And it is pretty good.
So if you are in the mood for a little bit of meta discussion, go check it out. It might feel a bit tinfoil hattish, but looks at a few examples from both sides of the spectrum, methods and tactics used to discredit underdogs, and even includes a few suggestions on how to work against that.