Erstellt am: 3. 2. 2017 - 10:05 Uhr
How much Trump is too much Trump?
Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the presidency, barely a day has gone by without some sort Trump-related headline in the mainstream media. Since he won the election, there's barely been a headline about anything else.

Nicholas Kamm AFP
But is this unprecedented level of coverage for a US president really warranted?
How much attention does Trump deserve, how much is necessary? Are you Trumped-out or do you want to be informed of all things Trump?
Reality Check is devoting an hour of today's programme to your views on Trump’s media presence—let us know what you think by posting on Facebook or Twitter, or in a comment on this article, or by giving us a ring between 13:00 and 14:00 on 0800 226 996.
Addressing your concerns will be Reality Check host Chris Cummins and live studio guest, political strategy consultant Yussi Pick.