Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: Metabunk"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

30. 1. 2017 - 12:00

Today's Webtip: Metabunk

Another resource for debunking the funk.

Ok, we have now reached a point that fake news is considered alternative facts, that lies and propaganda are pretty much all over the place and that it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell one from the other. So whatcha gonna do?

Check some facts. is a good place to start, although it tends to get ignored by people from one side of the political spectrum. But there are some other sites out there. One of them that seems to have a focus on UFO's and chemtrails is it isn't anywhere near as user friendly as snopes but it is still a pretty entertaining read.

According to their about me page " is dedicated to the art and pastime of honest, polite, scientific investigating and debunking. It is primarily a discussion forum, however the focus is on providing concise useful resources, and attempting to avoid repetitive debate and arguments." And it is pretty fun to see how the members go about doing that.