Erstellt am: 18. 1. 2017 - 13:57 Uhr
Was hat dich bloß so inspiriert?
José González ist dieser Tage mit dem String Theory Orchester auf Europa-Tour. Am 28.Jänner machen sie auch im Rahmen der FM4 Indiekiste im Wiener Gasometer Halt. Für diese Tour haben die Musiker Songs aus allen drei González-Solo-Alben neu arrangiert. Von „Heartbeats“ aus dem Debütalbum, mit dem González den Song seiner Kollegen von The Knife zu seinem eigenen Hit gemacht hat, bis zu „Let It Carry You” von seinem „Vestiges&Claws“ Album.
FM4 Indiekiste: José González & The String Theory:
28.Januar @ Gasometer, Wien
![© MALIN JOHANSSON](../../v2static/storyimages/site/fm4/2017013/xxx_josegonzalez-foto-10092_body.jpg)
Ein Konzert von José González ist ein hochkonzentriertes Unterfangen. So jedenfalls mein bleibender Eindruck vom letzten Österreich-Gastspiel. Konfrontiert mit der Frage, ob denn mit dem Orchester alles noch eine Spur dichter und „konzentrierter“ sei, meint González, dass eher das Gegenteil der Fall ist: “The new arrangements for the songs are very loose in a way. They are inspired by Steve Reich and Spiritualized. I´m very excited to play these songs!”
Seine Musik hat vor allem im Live-Rahmen eine meditative Kraft. Es ist also keine Überraschung, dass er selbst gerne meditiert. Was inspiriert ihn aber noch? Beim Interview zwischen Bandproben und Tour-Auftakt hat mir José González ein paar seiner aktuellen Inspirationsquellen verraten.
”Did you say App?”
„I´ve been using this meditation App “Calm”. There´s background loops that you can use. One is like waves with some birds singing, another one is rain, then fire crackling. I use it to meditate and also when I travel if there´s a lot of noise, especially the rain loop helps me to focus if I want to read for example. I started to use it a couple of weeks ago and now I´m hooked. I wouldn’t consider myself as a heavy meditator but the things that got me into it was just hearing about it from people and how it seems to be positive in their lives. The easiest way is just to do it. Focus on your breath and try to notice when your thoughts wander around and then go back to focus on your breath. That´s the easiest way to start meditating.”
”What is a kettlebell?”
“Let´s continue with the self help theme. I got inspired to use a kettlebell. I wanted to find a way to train that didn’t take too much time. It´s a training weight. A ball with a handle. You can use it to swing it around your body in different ways and it doesn’t take much space. I was inspired by this Russian guy that got known for the kettlebell. It´s fun to watch this guy!”
“edge dot org”
There´s a page that I´m very eager to read. It´s like philosophy, science related stuff. It´s Every year they have a different question that they post to great thinkers and that´s been something I get inspired by. They just posted this year´s question. It´s “WHAT SCIENTIFIC TERM OR CONCEPT OUGHT TO BE MORE WIDELY KNOWN?” In general it´s a page that I really enjoy checking out whatever they post. It´s a combination of a blog, review and interviews. So that´s really good inspiration!
And now for some music: Soundway Records!
“Soundway Records is mostly compilations from different parts of the world: Palenque from Columbia, Highlife Music from different parts of Africa. All their stuff is amazing. They also started to release new bands so there´s one band called Family Atlantica. I always find amazing songs on there and it´s stuff that I enjoy playing whenever I DJ, half of the stuff I’m djing comes from Soundway!”