Erstellt am: 5. 6. 2016 - 13:47 Uhr
FM4 Festivalplaylist mit Nada Surf
Nada Surf Live
23.6. Rockhouse Salzburg
24.6. Postgarage Graz
13.8. Poolbar Festival Feldkirch
Zum neuen Nada-Surf-Album "You know who you are" meint Eva Umbauer: "Man möchte sich zurücklehnen und noch mehr davon hören, mehr von diesem ungebrochenen Enthusiasmus, den Songs wie "Out Of The Dark", "Cold To See Clear", "Victory´s Yours", oder die Single "Believe You´re Mine" ausstrahlen. Die Songs von Nada Surf haben stets etwas wunderbar Nostalgisches an sich, etwas penibel Ausgefeiltes, das diesen intellektuellen Songwriter Matthew Caws einzigartig macht, egal ob ihm der Sinn gerade nach epischer Ballade oder College-Rock-Kracher steht."

Matt Caws meint: "It seems some people are looking to feel better, for encouragement getting over their obstacles, for help figuring life out - not that I´ve done that myself, other people are looking for love songs, and then some others just want to rock."
In ihrer 24jährigen Bandkarriere haben Nada Surf schon zig Livekonzerte gespielt und die USA oder Europa bereist, um ihre Songs dem Publikum näher zu bringen. Als Musiker und Musikfan begibt man sich aber natürlich auch mindestens so oft selber in die Lage des Beobachters und besucht selber Konzerte von befreundeten Bands, legendären Bands oder solchen, die man empfohlen bekommen hat und die zur Lieblingsband wurden. Und genau das wird Matthew Caws heute bei der ersten Ausgabe vom FM4 Festivalradio machen: der Nada Surf Sänger spricht über seine Lieblingsbands und seine Lieblingskonzert-Erinnerungen.
Echo & The Bunny Men - "Never Stop"
"The Becan Theatre in New York in 1984 I saw Echo&The Bunny Men on their Ocean Rain Tour and I´d only heard a couple of Songs 'The Killing Moon' was on the radio and 'Never Stop' was also on the radio. The Flashtones opened at that gig with Peter Buck as a guest guitarplayer and then surprise special appearance by Billy Bragg by one of his first American concerts and than the Ocean Rain Show was ridiculous just like enormous athmosphere, totally mysterious, totally magical, kind of happy, kind of sad, very big. It was great!"
Iggy Pop - "Some Weird Sin"
"This year at SXSW Iggy Pop was playing with Josh Homme and the rest of the band and we didn’t have tickets and there´s no way we were gonna get in but we hung around the entrance and an old Brooklyn friend of ours who happened to be putting on this show came by and said 'Would you guys like to come in' and of course we did and it was incredible. Really great band, Matt Sweeney from Chavez on bass and the whole band dressed in these kinda cheesy but cool maroon satin jackets and Iggy was incredibly and they really concentrated on this sort of Bowie period they played 'Some Weird Sin', 'The Passenger', 'Nightclubbing', 'Fun Time'. It was an amazing show!"
Beastie Boys - "Jimmy James"
"Long time ago in 1992 with my girlfriend at the time we were visiting my Dad in DC and we saw that the Beastie Boys were gonna play at Norfolk Virginia so my Dad was nice enough to drive us out there and pick us up after the show and we´ve been listening to 'Check Your Head' obsessively and the show was a total knockout, we were near at the front. They were in excellent form, really funny, really fast, energetic sparks of genius! One of the best bands ever. I´ve liked a lot of music but if you rate music by which lyrics have gone through in your head the most time Beastie Boys are up there. One of the best ever: 'Jimmy James'."
Die FM4 Festivalplaylist gibt´s ab sofort jeden Sonntag im FM4 Festivalraio von 13 bis 17 Uhr zu hören.
The Smiths | How Soon Is Now |
Echo & The Bunny Men | Never Stop |
Le Tigre | Decaptacon |
Iggy Pop | Some Weird Sin |
Beastie Boys | Jimmy James |