Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: Kill Facebook"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

9. 2. 2016 - 11:28

Today's Webtip: Kill Facebook

Well, the phone app anyway. It's still sucking your battery dry.

About a year ago there was a bit of a brouhaha about the Facebook app killing battery life. A bunch of suggestions were made on how to fix it. Most of them involving shutting off location services, notifications and any other background operating rights.

Facebook eventually chimed in claiming it was collecting background location data, but that there was another problem with something called CPU spin. They also said they had fixed it.


CC BY-SA 2.0,, User: Takashi Hososhima

But for many users on Android and iOS the app was still sucking batteries dry. The guardian found it was consuming up to 20% of the charge on Android devices.

And then they decided to check out what was happening on iOS. Their findings? 15% of your battery life is probably being consumed by the app. Their suggested fix? Uninstall it. Stick to the mobile web page.

You can read about their findings and testing here.