Erstellt am: 3. 2. 2016 - 14:15 Uhr
Tusk makes Cameron an offer
European Council President, Donald Tusk has published a letter he has sent to the British government in which he outlines a draft proposal addressing the concerns of British Prime Minister, David Cameron. Our Brussels correspondent, Jack Parrock outlines the main points of the proposal which still has to be debated and sanctioned by all 28 EU states.
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Belgium’s nuclear power plants
Belgium’s neighbours are worried about the state of its two nuclear power plants which were supposed to be closed down but which are now to be repaired and upgraded instead. Christoph Schott, spokesperson for the online global civic organistion AVAAZ explains what the problems are with the power plants and what his organization would like to see done.
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Zika virus: Update
Reports from the US suggest that the Zika virus may be transmitted through sexual intercourse. In today’s programme we find out more about the origins of the virus and ask Debora MacKenzie from the New Scientist magazine whether sexual transmission of the virus would be a game-changer.
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Spanish politics
Forming a government in Spain is proving rather difficult ever since the Conservatives lost their majority in recent elections. Now the Socialists are being given a chance and, as the refuse to enter a grand coalition with the Conservatives, the only option seems to be a collaboration with the far-left, anti-austerity PODEMOS party. Guy Hedgecoe reports from Madrid.
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New US airbase in Syria
Reports, which seem to be supported by satellite images, suggest that the US may be in the process of building a military airbase in the north of Syria. The location is in an area controlled by Syrian curds and is very close to the border with Iraq. Regional expert, Shashank Joshi talks to Reality Check about the significance of the new airbase.
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FM4 Reality Check
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