Erstellt am: 25. 1. 2016 - 14:23 Uhr
Tahrir Square - 5 years later
Egypt: 5th anniversary of the Revolution

None of us will forget the pictures from Tahrir Square in Cairo five years ago when, for eighteen days, protesters demonstrated for freedom, democracy and economic prosperity. The protests eventually led to the fall of the dictator Hosni Mubarak and there was hope of better things to come for Egypt. Our Cairo-based correspondent Karim el Gawhary reports that five years later little of that hope remains.
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Portugal’s new president
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a center-right candidate, is the new president of Portugal. Although he pledged to build bridges and unite the country he also said he would use the largely ceremonial post to prevent the center-left anti-austerity government from worsening the debt-heavy country's financial health. Our correspondent Guy Hedgecoe tells us about the new president and the challenges ahead.
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Italy and Gay rights
This week could be an important week for Gay rights in Italy as parliament debates a new law which would allow gay civil unions and offer Italy’s gay and lesbian community more of the rights already enjoyed by their counterparts in the rest of western Europe. Rome correspondent, Michael Day explains that opposition to the law is coming mainly from the Catholic Church and from within the country’s political parties.
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New IS Video

The IS terror group has issued a video which it claims shows the men who carried out the Paris attacks in November. The video included last statements by the men and also contained an apparent threat to Great Britain. We speak to terror expert Sajjan Gohel from the Asia Pacific Foundation.
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EU Counter-terrorism Centre
A new EU counter-terrorism centre was launched at The Hague today. The centre will be operated by Europol and is intended to improve communication and information sharing between the EU’s member states. Our European affairs correspondent, Jack Parrock reports.
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