Erstellt am: 14. 1. 2016 - 14:09 Uhr
Terror in the heart of Jakarta
Islamic extremism in Indonesia

Today’s terror attack in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta comes after several warnings by police in recent weeks that Islamic militants were planning something big. Dr Sajjan Gohel from the Asia Pacific Foundation assesses the threat of Islamic extremism in the world’s largest Moslem country.
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Boko Haram
Nigerian president Muhammadu Bahari is claiming a “technical” victory in the war against the terrorist group, Boko Haram and is confident he can completely crush the group by the end of the year. Virginian Comolli, Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, tells Reality Check whether this optimism is justified.
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Ebola: The outbreak is officially over
The World Health Organisation is cautiously optimistic that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is now over. Liberia was the last country to be declared Ebola-free. Our Geneva correspondent, Imogen Foulkes tells us that the Ebola epidemic has shown that important reforms need to be made in the way the WHO operates.
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The Russian economy and falling oil Prices

With oil prices hovering at historic lows of around 30 dollars a barrel many oil-based economies are feeling the pinch. One such country is Russia - which has the added problem of economic sanctions imposed by the west after the annexation of Crimea. Our Moscow correspondent, Julia Lyubova reports on Russia’s economic woes.
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Processing asylum applications
The massive influx of refugees into Europe last year has many politicians calling for a limit to the number of refugees and asylum seekers their countries take in and for the faster processing of asylum applications: But is either of these strategies realistic? We ask the Austrian lawyer, Georg Bürstmayr.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or