Erstellt am: 13. 1. 2016 - 15:27 Uhr
Obama "focused and practical"
President Obama struck an upbeat note in his final State of the Union speech last night, highlighting the successes of his presidency and outlining his goals for the coming year.

He also took a few swipes at the Republican presidential hopefuls, and sent some key messages to the rest of the world.
Steven Hill gives his analysis of the mood of the speech and how it is being received.
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OMV drilling in the Arctic

Adam Pawloff of Greenpeace gives his reaction to OMV drilling in the Arctic in winter, a practice Greenpeace says represents and unacceptable environmental risk.
Although the drilling is, at this stage, exploratory, and all reasonable safety measures are being taken, Adam says that drilling at this time of year poses a higher risk of what could be a catastrophic spill.
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AFP/dpa/Carsten Rehder
Denmark forces refugees to give up valuables
Denmark has passed controversial legislation under which refugees will be stripped of cash and valuables worth over Euro 1,340 to "pay for their stay".
Justin Cremer of The Local explains how the law will work and the debate surrounding it.
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Haiti 6 years on
Six years after the devastating earthquake hit Haiti, the country is still struggling with the aftermath. Jimmy Felter of The Voice of Haiti describes the situation and the key problems to be overcome.
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Michael Strasser
Cycling from Cairo to Cape Town
Michael Strasser is someone who likes a challenge, and now he's setting out on what he hopes will be a record breaking cycle ride from the northern coast of Africa to the southern tip. He's planning to complete the 11,500 km journey in 38 days, in a combination of extreme cycling and swimming.
Chris Cummins meets Michael Strasser, and finds out what motivates the man who will cycle a continent from end to end.
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