Erstellt am: 15. 12. 2015 - 13:55 Uhr
Saudi Arabia and the fight against terrorism
Saudi Arabia’s anti-terror alliance

In a move calculated to prove its anti-terror credentials, Saudi Arabia has announced it is forming an Islamic military alliance of 34 Muslim countries to fight terrorism. Germany has welcomed the news but our military affairs expert, Shashank Joshi, is not confident this alliance can work.
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EU expansion: Brussels opens talks with Serbia
When he took office as President of the European Commission just over a year ago, Jean-Claude Juncker said that the EU needed a pause from its eastward expansion. Now we learn that Brussels has opened accession talks with Serbia. Correspondent, Kevin Ozebek, has the view from Brussels.
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Protecting Europe’s borders
From terror attacks to refugees, the events of recent months have shown that Europe needs to improve external border security if it is to hold on to one of the most important achievements of the European Union – The Schengen agreement on the free movement of people and goods. Florian Eder from the Brussels-based website explains the EU Commission’s new plans to tackle the problem.
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Veritasium: Making science interesting.
Derek Muller is really interested in science and he wants you to be interested too. That’s why he started the English-language science channel Veritasium on YouTube in 2011. Four years later he’s had over 200, 000,000 total views. Reality Check speaks to Derek about his fascination with science his videos and the secret of his success.
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Star Wars: The next Generation

Yes, we’re well aware of the mixed sci-fi metaphor but, as some observers are saying, this latest Star Wars blockbuster is seen as passing on the cinematic baton to a new generation of stars and fans. Excitement is, of course, at fever pitch ahead of the release of the 7th episode in the saga. Reality Check takes a look at the Star Wars phenomenon with the help of the film critic John Baxter.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or