Erstellt am: 3. 12. 2015 - 13:55 Uhr
Britain joins the fight over Syria
UK / Syria: Airstrikes

EPA/Cpl Andy Holmes
Within hours of getting parliamentary approval British fighter jets were flying their first missions over Syria. Tornado jets took off from an airbase in Cyprus and targeted ISIS positions. Rosemary Hollis is a professor of Middle East Policy Studies and gives us her view on the timing of the British decision and what Britain can contribute to the anti-ISIS alliance.
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Paris climate conference
Had enough of all the hot air that comes out of climate change conferences? Disillusioned with governments who promise action but then do not deliver? Well, it seems the current climate conference in Paris is different and that there is some reasons for optimism. FM4’s Chris Cummins tells us why.
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California mass shooting

A heavily armed man and woman dressed in assault gear have attacked a holiday party of his co-workers killing 14 and injuring 17. It is unclear what drove Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik to commit the atrocity. We speak to our Washington correspondent, Priscilla Huff to get the latest on the attack and the investigation.
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Austria guns
Peter Pilz, member of the Austrian parliament for the Green Party, is concerned about the ease with which potential terrorists can get hold of semi-automatic weapons in Austria. Reality Check’s John Cummins spoke to him about his concerns and what action he would like to see taken.
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The Cove
In today’s programme we speak to Richard “Ric” O’Barry, the man who trained the dolphin Flipper - star of a popular children’s TV series in the 1960s. Ric eventually became a dolphin conservationist and he is currently in Vienna for a screening of the documentary film, The Cove about the dolphin hunt in Japan.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or