Erstellt am: 2. 12. 2015 - 13:57 Uhr
Montenegro invited to join NATO
NATO: Montenegro

NATO has invited Montenegro to join the military alliance. Montenegro may be small but it is strategically very important and the move to join NATO is guaranteed to anger Russia at a time when the world is trying to build a broad alliance against ISIS. Military analyst Paul Beaver gives us his thoughts.
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Domestic slavery
December 2 is the International Day for the Abolition of slavery and we take the opportunity to look at an area of modern day slavery that does not get nearly enough media coverage: the plight of approximately 53 million domestic workers worldwide. We speak to Dr. Sara Farris, gender and migration expert at the University of London.
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Carbon bubble
The Carbon Bubble may a phrase worth remembering as it is likely to come up a lot in the next few years. Mark Campanale from the Carbon Tracker initiative explains what the carbon bubble is and what needs to be done.
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Japan: Whaling

Japan is once again defying international opinion, and several legal rulings, by sending ships to the Antarctic to hunt the Minke Whale. This year Japan will reduce the amount of whales it kills by two thirds but this does not appease people like Sonja Van Tichelan, European Regional Director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
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European Science Film Festival
The European Science Film Festival may not have all the glitz, glamour and hipster cool of other festivals but it is taking place in Vienna this weekend and as director Wolfgang Harberl told Reality Check it highlights the truly important issues of human life.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or