Standort: / Meldung: "Yawning gaps in Belgium's intelligence"

Hal Rock

Journalist and presenter of FM4 Morningshow, Update and Reality Check (basically everything in the morning).

19. 11. 2015 - 14:08

Yawning gaps in Belgium's intelligence

Reality Check: Intelligence failures; Gender equality; Integration in Austria; Superbug vs. antibiotics; Orthorexia

Belgium: Intelligence failures


(L-R) Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn and French Secretary of State for European Affairs Harlem Desir.

As Belgium security forces today launch anti-terror raids near Brussels, the country’s intelligence community as a whole is coming in for some severe criticism. Reality Check speaks to Ryan Heath, senior EU correspondent at the news website Politico and discovers some worrying facts.

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World Economic Forum: Gender equality

That women earn on average much less than men is nothing new. That it will take around 118 years at current rates for them to catch up is, however, rather startling. This though is the main thrust of a report just published by the World Economic Form. Dr. Louise Livesey, Professor of Feminist Studies at Westminster University, puts the report in perspective.

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Austria: Integration


Austrian Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz.

The integration of immigrants has long been a thorny issue and the current wave of refugees from Syria is not making the situation any easier. Austria’s Integration Minister, Sebastian Kurz has been outlining his plans for addressing the issue and Klaus Hofstätter from Asylkoordination gives us his reaction.

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Superbugs and Antibiotics

There’s worrying news out of China that a gene has been discovered that makes bacteria resistant to every antibiotic preparation currently known to man. Some people are already talking of a “Superbug”, while others are warning of a post-antibiotic world. Debora Mackenzie from New Scientist magazine gives us her view.

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Orthorexia: Healthy food Obsession

Orthorexia is a word you may be hearing more of in the years to come. It’s describes an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating and it’s on the increase. We speak to Dr. Steven Bratman who first identified the disorder back in 1997.

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