Standort: / Meldung: "France calls on EU for help"

Hal Rock

Journalist and presenter of FM4 Morningshow, Update and Reality Check (basically everything in the morning).

17. 11. 2015 - 13:54

France calls on EU for help

Reality Check: France's state of emergency; Sharm el Sheikh; Molenbeek; Surveillance and intelligence; CETA and TTIP

France: State of emergency


French President Francois Hollande addresses a special congress of the joint upper and lower houses of parliament at the Palace of Versailles.

French president, Francois Hollande wants to extend the state of emergency, imposed after the Paris terror attacks, for a further three months and is using a never-before-used article of the Lisbon treaty to call on EU partners for help. We get the latest from our Paris correspondent Catherine Field.

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Sharm el Sheikh

The downing of the Russian passenger plane over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt may have been pushed from the headlines but the investigation continues. Today our Middle East Bureau Chief, Karim El Gawhary brings us up to date on the latest including the arrest of two employees at Sharm el Sheikh airport.

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Belgian Police search houese in Molenbeek, Brussels.

The Brussels district of Molenbeek has become the focus of attention following the Paris terror attacks. Brussels correspondent Kevin Ozebek describes Molenbeek, the mood after the attacks and the district’s historical links with extremism.

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Surveillance and intelligence

Europe’s security forces are coming under increased scrutiny now that it seems clear that at least some of the perpetrators of the Paris terror attacks were known to police. Sajjan Gohel, International Security Director at the Asia Pacific Foundation analyses the failures and successes of Europe’s surveillance and intelligence communities.

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Many people in Europe are worried about TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and ==Investment Partnership currently being negotiated with the United States. But there is similar agreement between Europe and Canada called CETA which is much closer to completion and which activist Maude Barlow, National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, says should worry Europeans just as much as TTIP does.

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