Erstellt am: 27. 10. 2015 - 14:42 Uhr
Germany plans 50 refugees per hour limit
Bavaria is calling on Austria to limit the number of refugees crossing into Germany, and to coordinate better with the German authorities.

Patrick Steinbock of ORF Upper Austria describes the situation on the border,
and Kirsten Fischer report on how German policy on refugees is developing.
Poland election results
Adam Easton reports from Warsaw on the outcome of the Polish elections, and the impact the new conservative government might have on the country's position in the EU and NATO.

APA/Claudia Feh
The risks as permafrost becomes less perma
Around 25% of the world's land mass is permafrost, but it's shrinking rapidly in response to global warming. That isn't just changing habitats, it's also threatening the climate, as the carbon trapped in the permafrost is released into the air.
Ingo Hartmeyer of AlpS explains the risks and the unknown factors as the permafrost melts.
The role of Iran in the Syria talks
With the stance of the US towards Iran softening, Shashank Joshi looks at the role Iran might have in finding a political solution to the civil war.

Creative Commons
The man who was on show in a zoo
Ota Benga was a Congolese Mbuti Pygmy who, in 1906, was put on display in the Bronx Zoo in New York.
Pamela Newkirk, author of "Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga", explains why this shocking episode is still relevant for people today.
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