Standort: / Meldung: "Spielfeld needs "more helping hands""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

22. 10. 2015 - 14:39

Spielfeld needs "more helping hands"

Reality Check: Chaos in Spielfeld, Kiron University, Netanyahu stirs up outrage, El Nino, taste and personality

Spielfeld in Styria is seeing chaotic scenes as hundreds of refugees cross the border into Austria from Slovenia. Police opened the border when it became clear that the situation was becoming dangerous as thousands of people crowded around the crossing.



Austrian security forces have been trying to keep the situation under control.

Nikolai Atefie reports from Spielfeld on the events as they are unfolding.

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Kiron University

The project to make university education available to refugees wherever they find themselves. One of the co-founders of the University, Markus Kressler, explains the aims of Kiron.

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Netanyahu has been forced to "clarify" his Holocaust statement

Bibi's blunder

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is drawing condemnation at home and abroad for his claim that a Palestinian leader told Hitler to kill Europe's Jews.

Jordana Miller reports from Jerusalem on the political and diplomatic storm his words have stirred up.

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El Nino

Some meteorologists are forecasting the worst El Nino event since records have been kept. What is El Nino, and why might this one be especially bad? Nick Klingaman of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science in Reading explains.

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Preferring bitter tastes could indicate a bitter personality

Taste and personality

Christina Sagioglou of the University of Innsbruck discusses the curious correlation between liking bitter flavours and antisocial personality traits.

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