Standort: / Meldung: "Turkey is key to EU's refugee crisis"

Hal Rock

Journalist and presenter of FM4 Morningshow, Update and Reality Check (basically everything in the morning).

15. 10. 2015 - 15:03

Turkey is key to EU's refugee crisis

Reality Check: EU, Turkey and the refugees; Uber economy; Ebola; VW recall; Indian writers' protest


Turkish President Erdogan and European Commission President Juncker
  • Turkey and the EU haggle over refugees

EU leaders meet today to discuss closer cooperation with Turkey over the refugee crisis, and they want Turkey to sign up to a joint action plan, but Turkey has its conditions. Johannes Pollack of Webster University and the IHS explains what is at stake

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  • The US and the "Uber-economy"

Despite causing controversy in various parts of the world, the Uber business model seems to be taking off. Steven Hill, author of "Raw Deal" discusses the impact informal, private enterprise is having on big business.

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  • Why Ebola is recurring in some patients

Doctors have found that the Ebola Virus can linger in the semen of male survivors.for up to 9 months and maybe longer. Virologist, Dr Derek Gatherer, explains why Ebola is recurring in some patients, and the broader risks it could present.

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Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

  • VW recall

The problems at the VW concern continue. Now both Austrioa and Germany have ordered the recall of all cars affected by the emissions scandal - rejecting VW's proposed voluntary recall. Just how bad are things for VW? We speak to Professor Christian Stadler from Warwick Business School in the UK

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  • Protest by Indian writers

Geeta Pandy reports on why some of India's most prominent authors are handing back their literary awards.

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