Erstellt am: 8. 10. 2015 - 14:58 Uhr
"A new Russian army"
In a further escalation of the situation in Syria, Russia's warships have now launched cruise missiles it says were aimed at Islamic State targets.

As NATO expresses concern over Russia's actions, Charles Maynes reports from Moscow on the Russian view of the crisis, and how Putin's policy is going down at home.
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Endangered cacti
Barbara Göttsch of the of the IUCN's Cactus and Succulent Plant Specialist Group explains why a large proportion of the world's different species of cactus are at risk of extinction.
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EU refugee summit
EU interior ministers are meeting today to discuss a coordinated plan to tackle the refugee situation. Jack Parrock reports on the issues on the table.
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Yemen's continuing conflict
Yan St Pierre of the Modern Security Consulting Group describes the deteriorating situation in Yemen, where the Saudi led air strikes appear to be doing little to resolve the conflict.

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The legacy of John Peel
David Cavanagh talks about his just published book about John Peel, "Good Night and Good Riddance", which follows part of the career of the iconic DJ.
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