Standort: / Meldung: "The safety challenges of the Hajj"

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

25. 9. 2015 - 14:12

The safety challenges of the Hajj

Hajj tragedy, Creative Muslim Contest, VW and closed source software, the future and echoborgs

Hajj tragedy

Muslim pilgrims have resumed the final rites of hajj after more than 700 people suffocated or were trampled to death when two waves of pilgrims collided in the deadliest disaster to strike the annual pilgrimage in a quarter-century.


A photo from October 2014 shows Muslim pilgrims on the third day of Hajj performing the ceremony known as 'the Stoning of the Devil' in Mina, the site of Thursday's stampede.

Crowd management consultant, Professor Chris Kemp, discusses the problems in dealing with such large crowds and the question whether safety ever be ensured:

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Creative Muslim Contest

Emla Salo of the Muslimische Jugend Österriech describes the Creative Muslim Contest 2015, the winners of which will be announced this evening:

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VW and closed source software

IT analyst, FM4's Christoph Weiss, explains why open source software could have prevented the VW scandal:

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Psychologist and Echoborg creator, Kevin Corti, explains his research into the importance of appearance in assessing a chatbot, and why Bladerunner might be science future rather than science fiction:

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