Standort: / Meldung: "Croatia "cannot cope""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

18. 9. 2015 - 14:45

Croatia "cannot cope"

Reality Check: Croatia closes border crossings, Pope Francis in Cuba, Caritas conference, Greek elections, "Auf der Flucht".

Chaos and confusion continue as refugees try to find ways from Serbia to Germany and Sweden.

refugees croatia


Refugees in Croatia scramble to get on a train heading north to Zagreb

After Hungary sealed its borders with Serbia, the refugees went west to Croatia, but it, too, has now closed seven of its eight road crossings with Serbia, saying it cannot cope with the numbers of people.

Nick Thorpe discusses the regions different responses to the refugee crisis.

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Pope Francis


Pope Francis expected to appeal for the environment

Pope Francis in Cuba and USA

Vatican correspondent and author of "The Promise of Francis, David Willey, reports on Pope Francis' trip to Cuba and the US, and the impact this visit is likely to have.

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Caritas conference in Vienna

Representatives of 30 national Caritas organisations are meeting at conference in Vienna today. The General Secretary of Caritas Europe, Jorge Nuno Mayer, explains why solidarity is now crucial, and countries must start working together instead of serving their national interests.



Has Alexis Tsipras mis-judged the mood?

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Greece goes to the polls

Helena Smith previews this weekend's general election in Greece and the possible make-up of the new government.

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"Auf der Flucht"



Karim El-Gawhary tells compelling and heartbreaking tales of people "Auf der Flucht"

Ahead of tomorrow's Reality Check special, Karim El-Gawhary talks about the experiences behind his new book "Auf der Flucht".

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