Erstellt am: 17. 9. 2015 - 15:09 Uhr
Ugly scenes on the border

Last night saw violent clashes between refugees and Hungarian authorities on the Serbian border, as Hungarian police used tear-gas and water canons to break up protests.
Today the border is still closed, and frustrated migrants are realizing they must find another route, if they want to continue their journey to Germany.
Nick Thorpe reports from the border on the increasingly controversial stance Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, is taking on the migration crisis.
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Are there terrorists among the refugees?
Following reports that up to 4.000 Islamic State militants could have infiltrated the refugee streams, Yan St Pierre of Modern Security Consulting, explains why this is more about propaganda than a real threat.
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Chile earthquake
Following a massive earthquake in Chile last night, David Alexander of the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction describes Chile's earthquake defence systems, and explains why they are so efficient.
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Refugee air
The campaign to pressure airlines into rethinking their policy on carrying refugees.
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New York Times
Trump and trumpeting
The rhetoric is ratcheting up, and the debate is becoming more and more personal and less and less about politics.
Riem Higazi takes a look at the bitter and fiery exchanges in last nights Republican debate in the US.
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