Erstellt am: 14. 9. 2015 - 14:27 Uhr
Refugees maybe not so welcome?
Europe and the migration crisis
Professor Katrin Auel of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna gives her analysis of the EU's handling of the migration crisis.
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The situation in Nickelsdorf
Claus Pirschner reports from the border crossing with Hungary, where thousands of migrants are pouring into Austria every day.

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Germany reverses its policy
In an apparent back-tracking on its stance last week, Germany is imposing border controls on the Austrian border. Sammy Khamis reports from Munich.

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How is Austria coping?
Ruth Schöffl of the UNHCR gives her assessment of Austria's response to the ongoing migrant crisis.
Rözske ahead of border closure
Nick Thorpe reports from Röszke on the Hungarian Serbian border, as Hungary prepared to seal the border and criminalise those trying to cross it as refugees.

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Stationen der Flucht
Athens based journalist and refugee policy expert, Chrissy Wilkins, describes the journey migrants face as the travel north through Greece and Macedonia on their way to Europe.

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