Erstellt am: 10. 9. 2015 - 14:51 Uhr
Röszke: "the police don't know what to do"
Michaela, an environmental studies teacher from Upper Austria decided to travel to Röszke to bring supplies to desperate refugees.
She spent two days there, and she told Riem Higazi what she saw...
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Peter Heinz Trykar/Tryfotografie
Russia in Syria
Russia is reported to be increasing its military presence in Syria, a move which is causing concern for NATO and the US. Analyst, Shashank Joshi, gives his assessment of the developments.
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Reaction to migration proposals
Sandra Gathmann reports from Brussels on member states' reactions to the migration plan revealed by the European Commission yesterday.
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Deadly sandstorm in Middle East
A major sandstorm is causing chaos in the Middle East. ORF weather reporter, Andreas Tieser, explains how such events come about.
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Borneo Project
John Paisley of the Borneo Project explains the threat to Borneo's indigenous people and its rainforest posed by the planned construction of a megadam, ahead of the screening or "Broken Promises" tomorrow in Vienna.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, Saturday from 12.00 to 13.00, and after the show via Podcast or