Erstellt am: 9. 9. 2015 - 15:16 Uhr
"It's a bold step" Human Rights Watch
European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has set out new proposals to ease the migrant crisis.
They include allocating an additional 120,000 refugees to EU member states on a binding quota basis, establishing a permanent relocation system to avoid similar crises in the future, and a list of "safe countries" which would mean migrants from these countries would normally be returned home.
Together with the plans set out in May to relocate 40,000 refugees from Italy, Greece and Hungary, the new proposal would mean swift action to find places for 160,000 people.

Carsten Rehder/dpa
There are, the EU members have not yet agreed to the 40,000 proposal from May, and some countries are still firmly opposed to the quotas. Ministers will discuss the proposals in Brussels next Monday, and there is likely to be some tough talking.
Judith Sunderland of Human Rights Watch gives her response to the proposals, and explains why HRW feels a "safe list" is a bad idea.
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