Erstellt am: 5. 9. 2015 - 10:56 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Train and March of Hope
Another wave of refugees are making their way west, and people and organisations are trying to do their best to help them on their journeys. But it is hard, and it looks like the numbers are going to be greater than people have been preparing for.
One group that has been organising aid at the Vienna Hauptbahnhof has been using twitter and Facebook to try to coordinate and request help. Train of Hope organisers have been on their feet for over 40 hours right now, but last I spoke with them they were pushing on and looking toward another long day trying to get needed aid to refugees on their way through the station.
Anyone who could work as a translator for Arabic or Farsi and could spend some time volunteering should contact them as soon as possible.
But the Hauptbahnhof isn't the only place help is needed.
People who could volunteer in Linz, Salzburg, or at the Westbahnhof are also in demand. provides a central place to value twitter feeds for actions taking place in all of those places. It is probably the most central way of finding out what is going on across the country.
Help is also needed in Nickelsdorf.
I haven't found a central coordination, but you can follow a hashtag on twitter that should help: #nickelsdorf

APA / Werner Trinker
And there are still refugees on the road, not in trains or busses or cars, but on their feet, making the March of Hop to the Austrian border. So can follow them in an interactive map that includes a social media feed with information and photos .
Other hashtags to follow (both on Facebook and twitter):