Standort: / Meldung: "Air to Breathe"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

28. 8. 2015 - 13:47

Air to Breathe

Reality Check: Human rights lawyer Manfred Nowak on real solutions to European policies regarding refugees and Ilias Chatzis, the Chief of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section (UN Office on Drugs and Crime).

People demonstrating in front of the police station in Eisenstadt where a press conference was held yesterday regarding the dead refugees discovered in a parked lorry on a highway in Burgenland .


People demonstrating in front of the police station in Eisenstadt where a press conference was held yesterday regarding the dead refugees discovered in a parked lorry on a highway in Burgenland.

As new details and developments emerge regarding the dead refugees discovered in a lorry parked on a highway in Burgenland yesterday and as yet another Mediterranean refugee tragedy unfolds, politicians gather to talk about how terrible it all is and that something must be done.
Well, something IS being done.
Razor-sharp barbwire fences are set up, walls are being built, fires are ignited, tear gas is being used, and plenty of money is being made because the exploitation of those most desperate is mighty lucrative. There's plenty of hate on offer too.

Refugees seen through coils of razar wire as they cross the border, controlled by Macedonian police,  near the town of Gevgelija, 27 August 2015


Refugees seen through coils of razor wire as they cross the border, controlled by Macedonian police, between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece, near the town of Gevgelija, 27 August 2015

Political humanity is sparse and seeking protection in a peaceful and prosperous country is an endeavour that could cost you your life. Not only are beds not being provided, air to breathe is not available.
The provision of human rights (ie. air to breathe) here in Europe is a real thing. Check out Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights. While you're at it, move on to Article 3 and ask yourself if the current situation in Europe regarding refugees isn't akin to "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", also known as torture.
Human rights lawyer and former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, gave Chris Cummins a compelling interview with regards to how the EU is adhering to its own Convention...

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You can get a transcript of the audio interview (conducted yesterday at the European Forum Alpbach) here.

Forensic experts investigate a truck in which refugees were found dead as it stands on freeway autobahn A4 between Parndorf and Neusiedl, Austria, 27 August 2015.


Forensic experts investigate a truck in which refugees were found dead as it stands on freeway autobahn A4 between Parndorf and Neusiedl, Austria, 27 August 2015.

Reports are coming in to the FM4 news office that up to three arrests have been made in connection with the A4 tragedy.
New details too about the dead--71 in total, 59 men, 8 women, 4 children including a baby girl.
Who could leave a fairly small lorry, crammed with so many people and no ventilation, alive or dead, just by the side of the highway like that?
Who does that?
Ilias Chatzis, the Chief of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, knows...

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