Erstellt am: 11. 8. 2015 - 13:03 Uhr
Making money out of misery?

The Greens are calling for the refugee centre at Traiskirchen to be brought under the control of charities and NGOs, and not run for profit.
Under current regulations, charities are not eligible to tender for the care of asylum seekers, and the job is contracted to businesses.
Anny Knapp of Asylkoordination explains the current system, and its weaknesses.
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Saving Italy's opera houses

A crowd funding and online streaming initiative is breathing new life into Italy's neglected cultural centres.
The ancient and beautiful town of Bevagna has become the starting point of a cultural revolution which could spread across the country, and even abroad.
Finnish soprano Susanna Ohtonen explains the "Adopt a Theatre" project.
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