Erstellt am: 27. 7. 2015 - 13:14 Uhr
The Kurds more of a threat than Islamic State?
Turkey, IS and the Kurds
Turkey continues its operations against so-called Islamic State with more detentions of suspected militants as well as airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. The arrests include Kurdish militants and the air strikes have targeted Kurdish insurgent camps in Iraq.

At the weekend, violent protests broke out in Istanbul after the death of an activist during a raids against the PKK three days earlier.
Turkey's actions are seen as ending, or at the very least endangering, Ankara’s peace process with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK. Dorian Jones explains why the Turkish government is so concerned about the Kurds:
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Britain, the EU and the referendum
The British Finance Minister George Osborne is in Paris at the start of a tour of European Union capitals for talks on his country’s relationship with the EU.

Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to renegotiate that relationship before holding a referendum on the UK’s continuing membership of the union. Olly Barratt reports from London on what the Conservatives want from the EU and on the likely timetable for the referendum:
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