Erstellt am: 10. 7. 2015 - 14:09 Uhr
Tsipras' hard sell

Last Friday, the cliff-hanger going into the weekend was Greek referendum. Would the people say yes or no? And what would be the consequences?
Well, they voted no, and last night Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, submitted new proposals to Greece's creditors - proposals which contain many of the things the people had just voted "no" to. So you could be forgiven for wondering what on earth the referendum was all about.
Today, the creditors are looking at the new proposals, and they will be discussed by the EU tomorrow. However, the Greek parliament will vote on the proposals today - which raises the interesting question of what will happen if they reject them.
Jack Parrock reports from Athens on the final proposals submitted to Greece's creditors last night, and how they will go down in Brussels and with Greek people.
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20 years on from the Srebrenica massacre, the bodies of some of the victims are being returned to the Bosnian town.
Balkans analyst, Nick Thorpe, discusses the political and reconciliation issues which are still unresolved, and explains how young people are trying to move on from the troubled past.
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Do polls get it wrong?
Last week, the polls were predicting a very close vote in the Greek referendum - but it turned out to be a massive vote for "no". Media analyst, Charlie Beckett, of the London School of Economics discusses why polls sometimes seem to be way off - but may be more accurate than we give them credit for.
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Inside Traiskirchen
Yesterday, the Traiskirchen asylum centre allowed journalists inside for the first time. Barbara Ganzfuss from Ö1 describes what she saw.
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Refugees Welcome
Chris Cummins meets a group of unaccompanied young refugees in Vienna.
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