Erstellt am: 12. 7. 2015 - 13:12 Uhr
FM4 Festivalplaylist: Astronautalis
Der amerikanische Rapper und Songwriter Astronautalis war wieder einmal im Lande. Mehr als 100 Konzerte spielt er durchschnittlich im Jahr. In allen Ecken und Enden dieser Welt. Von kleinen Venues in Bulgarien bis hin zu großen Festivalbühnen in Amerika.
Letztes Jahr hat er gemeinsam mit Justin Vernon von Bon Iver eine Platte unter dem Namen Jason Feathers veröffentlicht. Demnächst erscheint ein neues Album von Astronautalis.

Alex Hertel
Die richtige Musik im Kopfhörer ist essenziell, wenn man so viel unterwegs ist. Einige jener Songs, die Astronautalis hört, um runterzukommen oder sich für einen Auftritt zu motivieren, stellt er heute als "FM4 Festivalplaylist" vor.
Chingo Bling - "0 to 100 Freestyle"
First off is one of my favourite rappers, one of the most overlooked rappers in the world: a man named Chingo Bling out of San Antonio, Texas. He did a take on Drake's song "0 to a 100". After you hear this one, you can leave the original on the roadside because Chingo's version is just fantastic.
D.R.A.M. "Cha Cha"
This has been a favourite of mine to play right before we hit the stage. It gets me really excited, gets everyone in the band really excited and sometimes we even play it loud through the soundspeakers as we enter the stage. Every single time we play this, people come up to me after the show and ask me "Who on earth is this and what's the name of that song?". You need to check this out.
Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the way down"
A country musician from Kentucky. He got a beautiful classic southern country voice but then he is talking about taking mushrooms and DMT and all kinds of other psychedelic drugs.
Schlachthofbronx ft. Nicky da B - "Lights off"
I've been super obsessed with the album "Rave and Romance" by Schlachthofbronx from Munich. This song off the record is called "Lights off" and features a fantastic New Orleans Bounce-musician called Nicky da B. Rest in Peace, Nicky da B. I fell in love with this song, i play it all the time in pretty much every situation from making coffee to driving in my car.