Erstellt am: 8. 7. 2015 - 14:28 Uhr
The "G" word
We've had deadlines, final deadlines, absolutely final deadlines, and now, yes, it's another deadline. But this time, it might just be different.

Depending how you look at it, the deadline might be tomorrow, Thursday, or it might be Sunday. However, the first thing is that Alexis Tsipras needs to come up with a proposal that the creditors find acceptable, then that has to be approved by the Eurozone, various parliaments, and all European Union countries - who are meeting for a special super-summit on Sunday.
If all this doesn't happen - a "Grexit", temporary or permanent, is a real possibility. In fact, it's now being openly discussed and it's been revealed that there are, indeed, preparations under way for just such a scenario.
Until now, speculation over a "Grexit" has been the province of analysts and commentators, with Greece and its creditors all brushing away any suggestions of Greece leaving the Eurozone.
So, amid all this confusion and chaos, what is Alexis Tsipras doing?
According to one of Syriza's London spokespeople, Marina Prentoulis, he's already putting forward concrete proposals, but they are falling on deaf ears.
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Egypt further curbs freedom of speech
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Sonia Faruqi
Project Animal Farm
After travelling the world to investigate different farming systems, Sonia Faruqi's book, Project Animal Farm, will be published next week. She explains what she thinks is needed for more human farming practices.
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