Erstellt am: 7. 7. 2015 - 14:25 Uhr
Who would a "haircut" actually hurt?
Alexis Tsipras goes back to the table in Brussels today, and it's expected he will ask for Greece's creditors to take a 30% "haircut" on the country's debts - that is to say, to give Greece 30% debt relief.

open europe
Germany, France and Italy have far the largest stakes in the bailout funds - so what would this "haircut" mean for them? Economist, Philippe Legrain, author of "European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess – and How to Put Them Right", looks at the implications this would have for the countries which lent Greece money.
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Migrants and the Balkans
According to a new report by Amnesty International, as many migrants try to reach Europe over land, via the Balkans, as try to come by crossing the Mediterranean. Sian Jones of AI describes the problems they face.
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Challenges to UK nuclear power plant
Austria has gone to the European Court of Justice to stop the UK from building a new nuclear plant at Hinkley Point. This adds to the challenge already launched by Greenpeace.
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10 years since London Bombing
It's a decade since the 7/7 London Transport bombings, and while Britain remembers, security analyst, Anthony Glees, discusses the measures that have been taken to prevent another such attack.
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Iran Sanctions
Priscilla Huff looks at the complicated web of US sanctions against Iran, and the difficulties that will be faced in easing them if a nuclear agreement is reached.
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