Erstellt am: 26. 6. 2015 - 15:01 Uhr
Renzi: "European values are not based on budgets"
The EU in crisis
The migrant crisis and the Greek debt crisis are combining to make for some tough talking and hard negotiating among EU member states.

The migrant summit went on into the small hours of this morning. It was a bad tempered and tense meeting, with European Commission President, Jean Claude Juncker and Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, losing patience with the reluctance of some countries to agree to migrant quotas.
Eventually, the meeting agreed on relocating 40,000 migrants who have arrived in Italy and Greece over the next two years. However, there will be no mandatory quotas, and countries will take migrants on a voluntary basis.
Sandra Gathmann reports from Brussels on how the issue is dividing the European Union.
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Migration is are one issue, Greece is another, and a growing anti-EU sentiment in many member countries is another. These all combine to threaten the very foundations of the European Union.
EU analyst, Johannes Pollack, professor of political science at Webster University, Vienna and Head of the Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies, explains why European political rhetoric and political reality are at odds with each other as he gives his views on current events and what they mean for the Union.
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US Supreme Court upholds Obamacare
In a ruling yesterday, the US Supreme Court has declared that the tax subsidies which make health insurance affordable for low earners can continue.
Priscilla Huff reports from Washington DC on the implications of the ruling and what it will mean of President Obama's legacy.
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Attack on French factory
Catherine Field reports on the news coming from Lyon of a terror attack on a gas factors.
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Joan Gonzalvo/Tethys Research Institute
Tracking dolphins
Ahead of tomorrow's Saturday Special, Joan Gonzalvo of the Ionian Dolphin Project explains how anyone who is interested can take part in dolphin research.
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