Standort: / Meldung: "Asylum: the distribution dilemma"

23. 6. 2015 - 15:44

Asylum: the distribution dilemma

Reality Check: Asylum procedure, airlines and cyber threats, Greece debt, Latvia's recovery, flood resilience.



Up to 3,000 asylum seekers find themselves in the Traiskirchen centre

The Austrian asylum system

Herbert Langthaler of Asylkoordination Österreich explains why the Austrian asylum system is not functioning as it should and how it could be improved.

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Airlines and cyber crime

After a Polish airline was grounded by hackers, cyber security expert, David Stupples, discusses the threat posed by hackers to airline safety.

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APA/Yannis Kolesidis

Protesters in Athens want Greece to stays in the Euro

Greece debt negotiations

Yesterday's emergency meeting brought some progress in breaking the deadlock on Greece's debt troubles. Helena Smith reports from Athens.

Latvia's remarkable recovery

After being one of the hardest hit by the global recession, and after weathering the most severe austerity measures, Latvia is well on its way to recovery. Krisjanis Ozols of the Latvian Institute explains how Latvia managed to turn its fortunes around. Read more.

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floods india


Floods affect more people than any other natural disaster

Flood resilience

Rosie Waites meets Reinhard Mechler of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and risk engineer, Michael Szönyi, to discuss an innovative project to help vulnerable communities tackle the threat of floods.

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