Erstellt am: 16. 6. 2015 - 14:02 Uhr
Al-Bashir avoids arrest - but it's not all bad
Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, has returned home to Khartoum, thwarting moves by a South African court to have him arrested and handed over to the International Criminal Court.

However, an important precedent has been set, and some good may still come out of the events.
Mark Kersten of Justice in Conflict gives his analysis of the dramatic events, the actions of the South African government, and the prospects of bringing Bashir to justice in the future.
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EU Refugee Crisis
EU interior ministers meet today to discuss the migrant crisis. As it seems that the Dublin System has collapsed and a new agreement is urgently needed. Jack Parrock reports from Brussels on the proposals on the table, and different countries' positions on what they are, and are not, willing to do.
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Syrian Kurds win back Tal Abyad

Syrian Kurdish fighters have taken control of a key town that was held by Islamic State militants.
The victory cuts of a major supply line for Islamic State, but has caused thousands of people to flee over the border to Turkey.
Military analyst, Paul Beaver, explains the significance of the latest developments.
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South Korea teenage phone controversy
Steven Evans reports from Seoul on the debate raging in South Korea over how much control parents should have over their children's web activity. The government has ruled that under 19s must install an app that monitors their surfing, but not everyone agrees that this is the right policy.
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Jeb Bush declares candidacy

Hoping to follow in the footsteps of his father and his brother, Jeb Bush has announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.
He has plenty of money behind his bid, but still has a lot of work to do to persuade the people that he is the man for the job.
Simon Marks takes a look at the man who is hoping to become the third member of the Bush family to win the presidency.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, Saturday from 12.00 to 13.00, and after the show via Podcast or