Erstellt am: 10. 6. 2015 - 14:22 Uhr
Can anything stop Islamic State?
After a series of defeats in the past few months, forces loyal to Syria's President Assad are struggling and there seems a real possibility that the Assad regime could fall.

A victory announced yesterday for the "Southern Front" moderate rebel alliance puts Assad in the weakest position he has been in since the start of the civil war.
Analyst Shashank Joshi discusses what toppling Assad could mean for Syria and the region, and why the West will not want him to leave any time soon.
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Islamic State and Saudi Arabia
Islamic State militants are launching attacks on Shia communities inside Saudi Arabia. Professor Samuel Schubert of Webster University, explains why this presents a major problem for the Saudi government, and why Saudi Arabia could be a crucial target for Islamic State.
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MERS outbreak in South Korea
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Now, South Korea has the first cases to be diagnosed outside the Middle East.
As the death toll rises, virologist Derek Gatherer explains the nature of the illness and the threat it poses.
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Curfew on women in Banda Aceh
The Indonesian city of Banda Aceh is imposing a curfew on women with the aim of curbing sexual violence. Tony Cheng reports on this controversial decision, and how it is being received in the local community.
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Cycling in Riga
Riga in Latvia would like to become a cycling hub to rival Copenhagen - it certainly makes for an interesting ride, as Chris Cummins finds out.
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