Erstellt am: 5. 6. 2015 - 14:02 Uhr
G7: "The people's voice must be heard"

G7 summit
The leaders of the 7 major advanced economies meet in Germany this weekend and they’ve got a lot to talk about; from the Greek debt crisis to ISIS to climate change. Meanwhile demonstrators near the summit venue in Bayern are trying to make their voices and concerns heard. Martin Kaiser from Greenpeace tells us what they want to see come out of the summit and why protesting is not a waste of time.
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Some progress but no final agreement; that seems to be the state of play on discussions between Greece and the IMF, ECB and EU. Greece was supposed to make a debt repayment today but that has been delayed to till the end of the month. Emmanuel Sigalas from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna helps us make sense of what is going on.
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Young socialists protest Red/Blue coalition Pt 1
Negotiations between the Socialists and the right wing Freedom Party on forming a coalition in Burgenland seem to be going remarkably with some observers saying that agreement could be reached as soon as this afternoon. However, opposition to such a coalition is growing, with the Socialist Youth announcing protest actions. We speak to Rasha Abd El Mawgoud from the VSSTÖ.
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Young socialists protest Red/Blue coalition Pt 2
We continue our look at the probable Red/ Blue coalition in Burgenland to find out whether opposition to it in the SPÖ is limited to the young socialists. Political scientist Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heinisch from the University of Salzburg gives us his Analysis.
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Turkey: HDP
Ahead of general elections in Turkey on Sunday we look at the state of the country’s opposition. The HDP has its roots in the Kurdish population but does also have some support in the rest of the country. ORF Istanbul correspondent, Jörg Winter tells us more about the HDP and its chances of making life difficult for President Erdogan and his ruling AKP Party.
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