Erstellt am: 28. 6. 2015 - 12:05 Uhr
FM4 Festivalplaylist: Hudson Mohawke
Am Sonntag wird Ross Birchard aka Hudson Mohawke auf der Eutopia Bühne auf der Donauinsel spielen. Vor ein paar Wochen ist sein Album "Lantern" erschienen. In Interviews hat er gemeint: "It’s moving from being a bedroom computer producer to try and accomplish more of a conductor’s role. I don’t wanna make an album of just me sitting in front of a screen, cos it’d feel emotionless - it was a conscious step away from that to a more expansive sound."
Hudson Mohawke Live: Am Sonntag, den 28.6., auf der Eutopia Bühne am Donauinselfest, am Freitag, den 10. Juli, auf dem Pohoda Festival und am Samstag, den 18. Juli, beim Melt Festival.
Was ihn zum Sound auf "Lantern" inspiriert hat, hat er mal in einer "Sound of Lantern"-Playlist vorgestellt. Da war neben "How It´s Made: Gummie Candy" auch das hier dabei:
Donauinselfest 2015
Der Plan zur Insel
Alles rund ums Donauinselfest.
Fast Forward
Eine kleine Programmvorschau für die FM4-Bühne beim Donauinselfest - mit Nazar, Skero, Wanda, Trümmer uvm.
Das komplette Line Up
Schönheitsfehler geben ihr Comeback und Hudson Mohawke live
Hip Hop Hooray
Skero mit 15-köpfiger Blasmusik. Nazars Feuerrede. Daniela Derntl über den Hip Hop-Freitag auf der FM4-Bühne am Donauinselfest.
Amore wohin das Auge blickt
Wanda am 2. Tag des Donauinselfests auf der FM4-Bühne. Und Thees Uhlmann, Chicks on Speed, Dust Covered Carpet uvm.
Für die FM4 Festivalplaylist hat er sich dann doch Gott sei Dank für Songs anstatt für Situationen entschieden. Wir haben ihn gefragt, welche Bands ihn auf Festivals begeistert haben und welche Tracks er gerne so auflegt.
Fever Ray - "If I Had A Heart"
"Probably one of the best live shows I've ever seen is Fever Ray. I subsequently approached the show designer to design my own new show as well. I wanted to create something which was not overly EDM focussed but slightly more organic and still had the euphoric elements but without the 'here is a massive screen', you know? It's been a pleasure to work with those people. It's the same people who work with the high fashion runway shows. It's important for me not to do something like lasers and strobes and everything like that . But more so something that feels a little bit more cinematic!"
Ludacris - "The Potion"
"This is one of my favourite Timbaland productions. Just real raw drum programming. There are very little elements involved in this song but incredibly hard-hitting."
Ginuwine - "Pony2
"Even though I think it's a classic I feel it's at the same time a slept on track!"
FM4 Festivalplaylist
MusikerInnen stellen euch ihre Lieblingssongs vor. Weitere Folgen...
Jackson & His Computer Band - Vista (Hudson Mohawke RMX)
"This is a remix of mine which I did for Jackson And His Computer Band. He is one of my favourite artists and he is on the same label. I'm honoured to have remixed one of his tracks. So: One of my favourites!"
FM4 Festivalplaylist von Hudson Mohawke
Fever Ray | If I Had A Dream |
Ludacris | The Potion |
Ginuwine | Pony |
Jackson & His Computer Band | Vista (Hudson Mohawke RMX) |