Erstellt am: 14. 4. 2015 - 14:11 Uhr

EPA/Hannibal Hanschke
The 1 year anniversary of the kidnapping of nearly 300 schoolgirls by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria is being marked today and the girls are still missing. Thousands of woman and girls have been kidnapped in the last year and Nigeria’s new president elect Muhammadu Buhari says he cannot promise that he will get them back. We speak to Richard Dowden, director of the Royal African Society.
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Siberian wild fires
Out-of-control wild fires are currently threatening large areas of south-eastern Siberia. At least 15 people have died, hundreds have been injured and many homes destroyed. The fires are also a threat to the ecology of the region. Andrey Allakhverdov from Greeenpeace Russia explains that the fires are man-made.
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Austria: Hypo investigation & transparency
As the parliamentary committee of inquiry starts its investigation of the Hypo Alpe Adria affair another controversy has arisen. This time it concerns the level of transparency surrounding the inquiry and the identities of the people being questioned. Eric Frey, managing editor of der Standard newspaper gives us his thoughts.
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East Ukraine has not featured much in the news recently but the situation there remains tense despite a ceasefire that went into effect some two months ago. Our Kiev correspondent David Stern reports that the sporadic fighting in Donetsk and Mariupol are not the only problems facing Ukraine.
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Icelandic writers retreat
Many people think about writing a book. Most of us never get round to actually doing it. FM4’s roving reporter, Johnny Bliss took himself off to the Icelandic Writers Retreat and spoke to its co-founders.
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