Erstellt am: 5. 4. 2015 - 08:00 Uhr
FM4 Gästezimmer: Calexico
Seit vielen Jahren reiten die Wüstenritter Calexico aus Tucson, Arizona meisterhaft auf den Grenzpfaden zwischen US-Alternative Country, Desert Rock und Latinsounds.

Nina Hochrainer
Hier stehen die Calexico-Masterminds Joey Burns und John Convertino etwas verdutzt im Schnee rum, für ihr kommende Woche erscheinendes achtes Album haben sie sich aber in sonnige Gefilde begeben. Nicht ganz an den Rand der Sonne, wie der Albumtitel "Edge of the Sun" suggerieren will, aber immerhin nach Mexico City. Im historischen Stadtteil Coyoacán haben Calexico Inspiration gesucht, Einflüsse aufgesaugt und sich mit lokalen Musikern ausgetauscht.
Im FM4 Gästezimmer präsentieren Joey und John, was sie sonst noch gerne hören - hier ein Auszug:
David Bowie - "Ziggy Stardust"
John Convertino: "When I was in the fourth grade, the age of my son right now, nine years old, a record I listened to every single day after school was Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. I’d listen to the whole thing from beginning to end with headphones on. So, any song off that record comes right from my childhood."
Natalia Lafourcade - "Hasta la Raiz"
Joey Burns: "One of the artists that I’m a big fan of from Mexico right now is Natalia Lafourcade. We tried to contact her to see if she had time to record with us, unfortunately it didn’t happen on this record, but maybe there is a chance in the future we get to work together. She has a new record out right now, and the lead off track is really intriguing and it has a great video that goes along with it."
PJ Harvey - "The Words That Maketh Murder"
John Convertino: "I recently went to Bristol to record with producer John Parish. I have been friends with John for a long time, and obviously he works with PJ Harvey and he gave me a copy of the record "Let England shake". And I brought that back home with me and started listening to it and just really fell in love with that record. I recently read "A farewell to arms" by Ernest Hemingway which deals with World War One and her record references World War One a lot, in a very poetic, and beautiful and realistic way."
Jeff Tweedy - "Summer Noon"
Joey Burns: "There’s one record that I really like that came out this past year. It’s the singer of Wilco, Jeff Tweedy, and his son which I think is really very sweet that he and his son made a record together. And the whole record is fantastic and there are some great videos as well that accompany the record."
FM4 Gästezimmer mit Calexico
David Bowie | Ziggy Stardust |
Natalie Lafourcade | Hasta la raiz |
Camilo Lara and the Mexican Institute of Sound | La llama |
Lhasa de Sela | La frontera |
PJ Harvey | The words that maketh murder |
Jeff Tweedy | Summer noon |
Das Gästezimmer mit Calexico gibt es am Ostersonntag in FM4 Connected (13-17h) zu hören und im Anschluss für 7 Tage on Demand.