Erstellt am: 20. 3. 2015 - 14:05 Uhr
Netanyahu and the politics of winning

Netanyahu vs. the White House
What politicians say before an election is often very different to what they say after they’ve been elected. This is nothing new but the recent zig-zag course taken by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the issue of a two state solution with the Palestinians is pretty astonishing by any standard. We speak to Yossi Alpher author of “Periphery: Israel’s search for Middle East allies”.
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Brenner Basis Tunnel
Building work officially got started yesterday on the main tunnel of the controversial Brenner Basis Tunnel project. Once finished it’ll be the second longest tunnel in the world but the debate about whether it’ll do anything to ease traffic and pollution in Tirol continues to rage.
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Vienna anti-terror conference
Government officials from ten countries are meeting today in Vienna to discuss ways of combating Jihadism. It is feared that countries of the West Balkans are particularly attractive to extremists in terms of recruiting new members and as a transit route. Is this fear justified?
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ZARA: Racism
Every year ZARA (Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassimus Arbeit) issues a report on racism in Austria. Their report for 2014 has just been released and records an increase in racially motivated attacks on Jews, Moslems, the Roma and asylum seekers.
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Artificial Intelligence
While many scientists have long dreamed of creating artificial intelligence other great thinkers and innovators warn that it could very easily become a nightmare. We preview tomorrow’s Reality Check Special on the subject of A.I by speaking to Professor Kevin Warwick on the difficulty of defining a difference between artificial and natural intelligence.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or