Erstellt am: 25. 2. 2015 - 14:22 Uhr
Security council veto: "a political football"
Amnesty calls for end to Security Council veto

Amnesty International is calling for the permanent members of the UN Security Council to give up their powers of veto when atrocities are being committed.
The structure of the Security Council, with its 5 permanent members, Great Britain, France, China, Russia and the United States, is a relic of the years after World War 2, and many analysts say it is now out of date, and actually obstructs the protection of civilians.
International Security expert, Paul Rogers, discusses the viability of restructuring the Security Council to make it more effective in protecting civilians.
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Ukraine and human rights
Bogdan Ovcharuk of Amnesty International in Ukraine explains why human rights must be put at the forefront of Kiev's policy making.
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Obama stops 1,400 Km pipeline construction

EPA/Steve Pope
Many supporters say it would create much needed jobs while other warn that the pipeline would add to carbon emissions and contribute to global warming.
A White House spokesman says Obama vetoed the bill "without any drama or fanfare or delay". Political analyst, James Boys, examines the reasoning behind the decision.
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Pain helps us feel pleasure
Pain can sharpen our senses, connect us to the moment, and help build relationships. In fact, according to Brock Bastian of the School of Psychology at University of New South Wales, Australia, we wouldn't be happy without it.
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APA / Robert Jäger
TC Boyle in FM4
Tomorrow, TC Boyle will be our studio guest for the second hour of Reality Check.
Chris Cummins looks ahead to the topics they will be discussing, and how you can put your own questions to the world famous author. TC Boyle will be live on air from 13:00 to 14:00.
FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or