Erstellt am: 24. 2. 2015 - 14:17 Uhr
Greece: Refugees as a bargaining chip?

Greece: Refugees
The long awaited list of reforms Greece needed to come up with to continue getting a bailout has arrived in Brussels. While the list is being greeted with cautious optimism, there are suggestions that Greece may use its large number of refugees as a bargaining chip - threatening to release them into the rest of Europe. We try to get the facts.
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Russia: Leviathan
A film offering an unusual and critical look at the social issues governing life in Russia has impressed audiences at various film festivals around the world. Now that it’s been released in Russia, we take a closer look the film at the reception it’s getting at home.
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Austria and Islam
As the Austrian government gets ready to vote on a controversial new law governing Moslems in Austria we hear that despite all the at times heated debate, there are Austrian Moslems who actually welcome the changes.
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Israel: Netanyahu, Mossad and Iran
Few of us will forget the images of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addressing the UN Security Council in 2012 and holding up a diagram of a bomb intended to show how close he believes Iran is to making a nuclear weapon. Now leaked reports from Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, seem to suggest that they do not agree with Netanyahu’s view of the Iranian threat.
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Well it’s not quite Jurassic Park but the humble, and sadly extinct, Australian gastric brooding frog is giving scientists new hope that we may one day be able to revive extinct species. "De-extinction" is the term used and Professor Mike Archer from the University of New South Wales gives us news of some exciting progress that’s been made.
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