Erstellt am: 6. 2. 2015 - 13:56 Uhr
Slovakia Referendum: "Pro-Family" or "anti-gay"?
Slovakia: Gay rights
Slovakians tomorrow will take part in a referendum which is being described as “pro-family” or “anti-gay” depending on which side of the issue you stand. We take the opportunity to look at the current situation for the LGBT community in Slovakia and at the likely outcome of the referendum.
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Greece’s prime minister and finance minister, Alexis Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis are back in Athens after a marathon tour of Europe’s capitals. The two men had hoped to gain support for a re-structuring of Greece’s debt and a move away from the austerity programme which they believe has crippled their country. The response from Europe has not been encouraging. We look at what sort of reception Tsipras and Varoufakis are getting at home.
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Ukraine: Merkel & Hollande is Moscow

Despite several diplomatic offensives it’s the military offensives that are setting the tone in East Ukraine and the destruction only seems to intensify each time a new attempt at peace is made. Another such round of diplomacy is taking place in Moscow today when German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Francois Hollande meet Russian president Vladimir Putin. The chances of a breakthrough seem small.
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To immunize or not to immunize; some diseases like measles seem to be making a comeback and the experts say the reason is that too many parents are refusing to have their children vaccinated. Current outbreaks of measles in the USA and Germany are giving cause for concern.
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In tomorrow’s Reality Check Special we’ll be looking at Egypt 4 years after the first revolution. In today’s programme Sally Toma, psychiatrist and leading women’s rights activist, talks to us about a tactic being employed by the al-Sisi government against its opponents: Dehumanisation. What is “dehumanization” and how effective is it as a counter-revolutionary tool?
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or