Erstellt am: 4. 1. 2015 - 12:03 Uhr
FM4 Gästezimmer: Jungle
Letzten Sommer haben Jungle ihr gleichnamiges Debüt-Album veröffentlicht, das mit guten Songs und ästhetisch glatt poliertem Funk glänzt und glitzert wie die Sonne im Meer.

Susi Ondrusova
Wie Wellen am Strand ist auch ihr durchstrukturierter Soul-Pop zurückgenommen und fließend zugleich, ein ewiges Gleiten ohne viel Tiefgang, aber prickelnd und salzig wie ein Kuss.
Es ist Musik fürs Seelen-Solarium und damit genau das Richtige für einen kalten Sonntag im Jänner.
Bring the Heat
Der Strand ist auch der Ort, der Joshua Lloyd-Watson und Tom McFarland am meisten für ihr Album inspiriert hat:
"A lot of our Album was inspired by this idea of the beach, this idea of a place where you can go and forget about all your worries and all the things that bring you down and the beach is the place with your friends."
Deshalb wundert es nicht, dass dieser Sehnsuchtsort auch eine Sandspur in ihrem FM4 Gästezimmer hinterlässt.
Los geht’s mit dem West-Coast-Vibe der kalifornischen Wellenreiter - Beach Boys mit "Good Vibrations".
Jungle über "Jasmine" von Jai Paul:
"I think when we first heard this track, we were so mesmerized by the production and what he managed to achieve in his bedroom effectivley. I think, it was the first time we actually heard something that inspired us from an electronic point of view. It wasn’t about big studio productions. It’s an amazing song. It’s a very emotional song. It got all the attributes to pull your heart strings but it definitely got this sort of underground club feel as well. It kind of feels like it’s recorded in a bathroom or a basement somewhere. And I think this sort of production is changing the way that people make music in the modern age."
Jai Paul - Jasmine from dustin sussman on Vimeo.
Jungle über "Porcelain" von Moby:
"Moby was on my first tape. I was very little and it was the first time I really experienced humanity within electronic music, 'cause when you’re young you have a very narrow perception of what electronic music is - like Techno-Germany and crazy people in leather dancing. But then you find albums like 'Play' from Moby or Air 'Moon Safari'. They’re taking electronic music and giving it human emotions and soul and love and passion. So it was my first introduction to that sort of electronic productions."
Jungle über "Sun" von Caribou:
"'Sun' is from the record 'Swim' and it’s incredible the way they play it live. We toured with Caribou a little bit and he’s really inspirational. I think, the way he blends electronic music and live music on stage is really cool.“
Gästezimmer - Jungle
Beach Boys | Good Vibrations |
Marlena Shaw | California Soul |
J Dilla | Waves |
Jai Paul | Jasmine |
Madvillian | All Caps |
Frank Ocean | Super Rich Kids |
Moby | Porcelain |
Caribou | Sun |