Erstellt am: 16. 12. 2014 - 17:08 Uhr
Feeling the bite of the lone wolf
Following the horrific scenes coming out of Sydney yesterday, is was pretty clear that by today some sort of picture would be emerging of who the perpetrator was.

EPA/Nikki Short
Although early suggestions were that he was in some way connected to the Islamic State group, it turned out that Iranian refugee, Man Haron Monis, was a known violent criminal but not on any terror watch-list. He was also acting as what is typically called a "lone wolf", although given his state of mental health, it's anyone's guess as to whether the attack was premeditated.
Talking to John Cummins, terrorism expert, Clarke Jones, described Monis as "unhinged" - which is probably putting it mildly. Clarke also says that in view of this, we should be careful to put this attack in context. Terrifying as it was, it was not a "terror attack" in the sense of an organised and planned action by a terrorist group. Clarke points out that had Monis not been a Muslim, the incident would not have attracted anything like the level of international attention that we have seen.
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Sydney attack resonates in Germany
Rightly or wrongly, the spotlight on Sydney linked indirectly to the other big story of the day: the PEGIDA marches in Dresden. Although Monis may have been a dangerous psychopath and violent criminal who in retrospect should not have been walking the streets, the fact that he was coincidentally a Muslim will feed into anti-Islamic feeling around the world.
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The decline of the white rhino
Not on the top of the radar, but a story that nevertheless pulled the heartstrings of the Reality Check team, was the news of the death of one of the world's last northern white rhinos. After being put right that white rhinos are not white, or even pale, and their name comes from a mis-translation of the Dutch for "wide", we were delighted to find that conservation and white rhino expert, Chris Walzer, now only knew the deceased, but has actually been up close and personal with each of the world's remaining five northern white rhinos. Unfortunately, the prospect for them is not good.
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Also on today's programme:

South Sudan's year of bloody conflict
Tens of thousands have died and nearly two million people have been displaced in a year of bitter fighting in South Sudan. Michaela Sieger of Caritas has witnessed the situation first hand, and describes what she experienced.
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"Carsi Ultras" trial in Istanbul
35 members of a group of football fans known as the Carsi Ultras are facing trial for their support of the Gezi Park protests. Sammy Khamis has been following the case and reports on what many are seeing as the persecution of the group.
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Sammy Khamis' documentary "Coming of Rage" follows the story of the Carsi Ultras of Gezi Park.
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