Standort: / Meldung: "Ferguson in flames"

Hal Rock

Journalist and presenter of FM4 Morningshow, Update and Reality Check (basically everything in the morning).

25. 11. 2014 - 15:14

Ferguson in flames

Reality Check: Riots in Ferguson; Chuck Hagel quits; LID Personal Assistance; The Pope in Strasbourg


Ferguson, Missouri

Police officer Darren Wilson will not face any criminal charges in the shooting death of the unarmed black youth Michael brown: that was the long-awaited decision delivered by a US Grand Jury and immediately the streets of Ferguson, Missouri erupted into violence. The protests, however, are not limited to Ferguson. We speak with US political author Steven Hill.

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Staying in America, Chuck Hagel, the only Republican serving in President Obama’s cabinet, has resigned as Defence Secretary. His decision to go comes at a time when the US government is facing a host of complex problems around the world from Russia and Ukraine to the ISIS threat. So did he jump or was he pushed? Steven Hill gives us his thoughts.

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Licht ins Dunkel – Personal assistance

How much help do handicapped people need, how much to the want and are they getting the right kind of help? The annual Licht ins Dunkel appeal has just started and In today’s Reality Check we speak to Human Rights consultant Marianne Schulze who tells us that well-intentioned help is often the worst kind.

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European Union stars encircle the face of Pope Francis as he arrives to address the European Parliament, in Strasbourg

The Pope in Strasbourg - Ulrike Lunacek

Pope Francis was in Strasbourg today for a lightning 4 hour visit in which he spoke to the EU Parliament and the EU Commission. It’s the first time a Pontiff has done this since John Paul II in 1988 and interest in the visit was great. Chris Cummins caught up with Austrian Green MEP Ulrike Lunacek before the Pope’s speech to find out what she was hoping to hear today and what she thinks of the initiatives he’s started so far.

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The Pope in Strasbourg – The speech

In his highly-anticipated address to the European Parliament Pope Francis covered a multitude of subjects from the elderly to youth, from the economy to abortion. FM4’s Chris Cummins had a front row seat in Strasbourg and reports on what the Pope had to say

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